Sunday, March 15, 2009


Welcome to the Assessment E-Folio!

This blog represents a small chunk of my journey into the world of Assessment. While toying with the question of whether to go broad, or whether to examine one aspect of assessment in depth, I bounced back and forth. In the end, I came to the decision of focusing on a broad range of topics. This, hopefully, will have a two-fold affect. First, I will be able to examine a few areas of assessment that I am interested in, but have not yet the opportunity to look at more closely. Second, I will have a chance to sort through the hype and the fact between a few more commonly used assessment tools.

I look forward to the opportunity to explore, examine, and evaluate.


At March 18, 2009 at 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! I am impressed. I have read everything but will keep the rubric private.


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